Posted on 11/30/2022
Headlight replacement may not be as easy as changing a light bulb in your home. If you know what you’re doing, it may be close. But there are certain steps that you need to take to successfully renew your headlights. Read on to learn more about headlights and how to replace them. Your vehicle’s lighting system is straightforward. It includes the bulb, relay, fuse, and switch. Whenever you turn your headlights on, the switch activates a relay and provides an electrical current between the bulb and the battery. This process allows your headlights to shine bright, so you can see the path ahead of your vehicle. It also lets other vehicles know that you are behind them. That is why impaired headlights can be a major safety hazard. In most places, it is illegal to drive without working headlights. Headlight problems are either an electrical problem or a physical failure with the bulb dying out. Today, we will be discussing how to repair the latter. When your headlight bulbs di ... read more